Boot Camp for New Dads® (aka Daddy Boot Camp®) is a unique father-to-father, community-based workshop that inspires and equips men of different economic levels, ages and cultures to become confidently engaged with their infants, support their mates and personally navigate their transformation into dads.
Boot Camp is validated by research and has been named a best practice by many organizations that consider it an exceptional means of supporting dads-to-be and fostering behaviors that greatly benefit children and help prevent a wide range of social ills. Founded in 1990, the non-profit Boot Camp for New Dads has graduated more than 325,000 men, making it by far the nation’s largest program for new fathers, and is now offered in 44 states, on U.S. military bases, Canada and the U.K.
Learn more about why the program works here and if you’re still interested, find your local bootcamp here!