Sexual harassment of LGBT people in the workplace: A TUC report


#MeToo has been effective in focusing the eyes of the world on the problem of sexual harassment at work. But the voices of LGBT people haven’t been heard clearly enough in discussions around this issue. We wanted to change this and foreground LGBT people’s voices and experiences in the ongoing debate and search for solutions. We therefore conducted the first survey of its kind on this issue.

The Facts Behind #metoo: A National Study on Sexual Harassment and Assault


Stop Street Harassment (SSH) commissioned this study. SSH is a volunteer-run nonprofit organization
dedicated to documenting and ending gender-based street harassment worldwide through public
education and community mobilization. Our work includes the annual International Anti-Street
Harassment Week, the National Street Harassment Hotline, a blog correspondents program, and website
resources. Visit:

Man Straightening his Tie

The Problem With Mostly Male (and Mostly Female) Workplaces

Ruby Lynn

The Atlantic March 20, 2013 By Philip Cohen NPR has a new brutal but important story about rape in the military. “Dozens” of women told NPR “about a culture where men act entitled to sex with female troops.” One woman, repeatedly assaulted by her superior officer, recalled: “I finally asked his secretary that when he called me and closed the …

Lawyers Club of San Diego Logo

Lawyers Club of San Diego – Sexual Harassment Taskforce

Hei-ock Kim

  The Sexual Harassment Task Force was created to explore explore issues surrounding sexual harassment in the legal community and to create solutions to help prevent women from leaving the practice of law due to sexual harassment in the workplace. We are working with City Council President Pro Tem Barbara Bry on the Workplace Equity Initiative, exploring the topic of …

Lawyers Club of San Diego Logo

Lawyers Club of San Diego – Sexual Harassment Task Force

Hei-ock Kim

  The Sexual Harassment Task Force was created to explore explore issues surrounding sexual harassment in the legal community and to create solutions to help prevent women from leaving the practice of law due to sexual harassment in the workplace. We are working with City Council President Pro Tem Barbara Bry on the Workplace Equity Initiative, exploring the topic of …

Women Marching at a #MeToo March

Gov. Jerry Brown signs a slate of bills inspired by the #MeToo movement

Hei-ock Kim

Los Angeles Times September 30, 2018 By Melanie Mason The #MeToo movement has now made its mark on California law, with Gov. Jerry Brown signing a number of bills Sunday that were introduced following an outpouring of attention to sexual harassment and misconduct. Among the bills approved by Brown was a measure to prohibit settlement agreements that prevent the disclosure …

South Park Panda

This is why workplace harassment training is so ineffective

Hei-ock Kim

THINKPROGRESS JULY 25, 2018 By Josh Israel Mandatory training about the letter of sexual harassment law doesn’t help and may hurt — but it seems everyone is doing it. It’s a scenario that has become familiar to almost anyone who works in an office. After “recent events around the country,” a well-meaning sexual harassment educator comes in to teach the …