Hidden Figures (2016)

Hei-ock Kim

The story of three black female mathematicians who worked at NASA during the Space Race. Based on the non-fiction book of the same name by Margot Lee Shetterly.

Child abuse and neglect linked to gender inequality

Hei-ock Kim

Phys.org July 27, 2017 Children growing up in societies that experience high levels of gender inequality—irrespective of whether these are developed or developing countries—are more likely to be maltreated. This is according to a cross-national analysis of data from 57 countries worldwide, conducted by Joanne Klevens and Katie Ports of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US. …

Is Gender Diversity Profitable Evidence from a Global Survey

Hei-ock Kim

Peterson Institute of Economics
Marcus Noland, Tyler Moran, and Barbara Kotschwar

Analysis of a global survey of 21,980 firms from 91 countries suggests that the presence of women in corporate leadership
positions may improve firm performance. This correlation could reflect either the payoff to nondiscrimination or the
fact that women increase a firm’s skill diversity. Women’s presence in corporate leadership is positively correlated with
firm characteristics such as size as well as national characteristics such as girls’ math scores, the absence of discriminatory
attitudes toward female executives, and the availability of paternal leave. The results find no impact of board
gender quotas on firm performance, but they suggest that the payoffs of policies that facilitate women rising through the
corporate ranks more broadly could be significant.

Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia? There’s an app for that

Hei-ock Kim

Los Angeles Times July 21, 2017 By Molly Hennessy-Fiske Women’s rights in Saudi Arabia have always been a contentious issue. Women have only recently won a limited right to vote, they can’t work close to men and the debate over whether they should be allowed to drive has gone on for years. The World Economic Forum in its 2016 report …

Flexible men result in successful women

Hei-ock Kim

Women whose male partners take advantage of flexible working hours see a significant increase in their own earnings. University of Oxford July 26, 2017 Research conducted by Dr Laura Langner at the University of Oxford’s Department of Sociology investigated changes in heterosexual couples’ hourly wages once one partner enters work-hour flexibility. The study found that once men started working flexible …

L’Oréal’s Problem With Men

Hei-ock Kim

The cosmetics maker has a great track record drawing female employees—so great that now it’s aggressively trying to attract men for balance. Bloomberg Businessweek September 6, 2017, updated September 6, 2017 By Laura Colby In his frst assignment for L’Oréal, Rob Imig spent 10 months pitching a shu uemura lipstick to beauty editors across the country. The editors—all women—often reacted …