EDC, SBDC research show talent acquisition is greatest challenge to small businesses

Hei-ock Kim

San Diego Business May 8, 2024 By Sang Nguyen Small businesses are one of the cornerstones of San Diego’s regional economy. More than 61 percent of all jobs in the region are within a business that employs less than 100 employees, which is nearly double the national average. However, small businesses are also the most prone to economic downturns relative …

The State of Latinas in Corporate America

Hei-ock Kim

Latinas face the steepest climb up the corporate ladder and end up the most underrepresented of all groups of employees in the C-suite. Despite these barriers, Latinas remain highly ambitious and increasingly committed to advancing. Lean In’s first-ever report on the state of Latinas in corporate America offers an in-depth look at the distinct, compounding obstacles Latinas face at work. It also provides specific actions companies can take to ensure Latinas are given equal opportunities to grow, develop, and lead their organizations into the future.

Do Investors Really Care About Gender Diversity?


Shareholders penalize tech and finance companies for not hiring enough women, new research shows. Graduate School of Stanford Business September 17, 2019 By Katia Savchuk Investors are eyeing company diversity reports and want to see improvement, new research shows.| Reuters/Stephen Lam In May 2014, Google caused shockwaves when it released its first report about workforce diversity. The numbers themselves were …

Women in Hospitality, Travel, and Leisure 2020 WiH2020 Review

Samaria Avila

In 2017 a group of leaders and opinion formers across hospitality, travel and leisure decided to take action to accelerate progress towards an inclusive culture within our industry and seize the opportunity to come together as an industry to amplify the
impact of individual initiatives. We want as many companies as possible to sign up to The Diversity in Hospitality, Travel and Leisure Charter and actively contribute to making a difference in this area.

Why Gender Equality Matters In Business Success

Sophie Bierly

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2020, North America won’t see gender equality for 151 years. The report also states that gender parity can have a large impact on whether an economy or society will thrive.

New Research: Diversity + Inclusion = Better Decision Making At Work

Sophie Bierly

Every day there are more headlines about the challenges of workforce diversity. A focus on diversity often means a focus on hiring, and even with substantial investments of time and money, it takes years to turn the tide for companies with thousands of employees. But there is a way to make change happen faster. Companies can capitalize on the diversity they already have by including more diverse employees in business decisions at all levels.

Delivering through Diversity

Sophie Bierly

Our latest research reinforces the link between diversity and company financial performance—and suggests how organizations can craft better inclusion strategies for a competitive edge.

Critical Mass: What Happens When Women Start to Rule the World – led by Jay Newton-Small

Sophie Bierly

In sociology, political science and economics studies abound on when the presence of women begins to have an impact. Almost across the board, if there’s less than 20% representation outcomes don’t change. Either the women don’t speak up or the men don’t hear them. But somewhere between 20% and 30% and something called critical mass is attained and suddenly women’s voices are heard. Whether it’s on a Navy ship, in the Senate or on a corporate board, groups function better with diversity. Mixed workforces that have reached critical mass have shown a host of positive outcomes: police shoot and engage in violence less, companies have to restate their earnings less and banks take less risk. Women make up 46% of the workforce, but more than two-thirds of those on minimum wage are women. But, increasingly, women are breaking into management level roles, especially in government jobs. The public sector has leapt frogged ahead of the private sector in recent years and all three branches of the government are approaching critical mass at the same time. In this study group, I’ll examine how women govern, manage, command and lead differently than men and what it means for our future workforce.