Gender Equity Consultants
Our fee-based consultancy will give employers in every sector and industry the customized attention they need to transform their workplace cultures into true models of gender equity. We will work closely with each client to define and implement action plans, measure and report on progress, and maintain long-term momentum.
The Kim Center is developing three tools to help companies entrench equity as a cultural norm by implementing a structured action plan based on clearly defined metrics:
- Step 1: Workplace Gender Equity Risk Assessment (WGERA) – 360 evaluation using evidence-based, standardized metrics
Step 2: Playbook – customizable guide utilizing strategies with demonstrated success
Step 3: National certification – standardized measure of progress and achievement
We are currently signing up early adopters at discounted rates for the WGERA Pre-Assessment and Levels 1-3:
- Pre-Assessment of Organizational Gender Equity Metrics
This standalone offering assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of your existing data collection
systems by benchmarking them against the WGERA’s nationally standardized core metrics.
- Requirements:
➢ Format: online survey
➢ Time commitment: low, one-time or annual
➢ Implementer: client
➢ Deliverables: confidential report
Level I: Leadership Evaluation
This foundational evaluation determines your company’s overall readiness for real cultural change by
evaluating your leaders’ levels of gender equity awareness and buy-in. Level I includes candid
evaluations of pain points regarding achieving gender equity.
- Requirements:
➢ Format: personal interviews
➢ Time commitment: 2-3 hours from each top executive and/or board member, monthly or annual
➢ Implementer: Kim Center
➢ Deliverables: confidential, detailed individual reports and high-level recommendations
Level II: Company Evaluation
This next step evaluates the cohesiveness and projected success of your company’s gender equity plan by benchmarking relevant company statistics against the WGERA core metrics. This data also informs questions for Level III: Employee Experience Assessment.
Sample metrics include:
● Policies and programs
● Composition of leadership, board, management
● Promotion rates
- Requirements:
➢ Format: online survey and follow-up questions for client’s Human Resources department
➢ Time commitment: medium, annual
➢ Implementer: Kim Center
➢ Deliverables: confidential report with basic industry comparisons, access to Kim Center’s Gender
Equity Collaborative (private online community)
Level III: Employee Experience Assessment
To complete the picture of your company’s true gender culture, we provide the essential narrative of
your employees’ daily gender-related experiences. This data also provides insights into what company
efforts may/may not be effective.
Sample metrics include:
● Perceptions of physical and emotional safety
● Ability to openly prioritize caregiving without damaging advancement opportunities
● Comfort level with presenting as nonbinary genders
- Requirements:
➢ Format: anonymous online surveys and possibly personal interviews/focus groups
➢ Time commitment: medium, annual
➢ Implementer: Kim Center
➢ Deliverables: confidential report with basic industry comparisons, high-level recommendations for potential pain points/challenge areas, access to Gender Equity Collaborative
Level IV: Correlation to Company Success Markers
This final assessment baselines and/or benchmarks metrics proven to correlate improved gender equity
with increased profitability and productivity. Markers include:
● Company bottom line
● Board and/or leadership performance
● Employee satisfaction and retention
● Access to talent or cost of developing talent
● Employee innovation and engagement
- Requirements:
➢ Format: online survey and questions for client’s Human Resources
➢ Time commitment: medium-high, annual
➢ Implementer: Kim Center
➢ Deliverables: confidential report with basic industry comparisons, high-level
recommendations for potential pain points/challenge areas, access to Gender Equity Collaborative
Additional offerings
● Password-protected dashboard with customized access levels
● Local and national public recognition for investing in the effort to make real change (optional)
● Website token of participation for clients
● (in 2020) Customizable Playbook: incremental/iterative series of offerings informed by the
company’s WGERA, including guidelines and metrics for all stakeholders; optional self-paced
● (in 2021) National certification: rigorous standards based on WGERA metrics that allow companies to
reliably self-identify as moving the needle on gender equity
Confidentiality and Risk management
The Kim Center is committed to taking every precaution to protect the privacy of your company and
your employees.
● All company data entrusted to us are confidential
● All surveys are anonymous and password protected
● The Kim Center enforces an institutional destruction policy, both internally and with all entities
coming in contact with our collected data
● All data used for public education and benefit are scrubbed of identifying information and
To become an early adopter, email